International Knife Throwing Day

This day is dedicated to those around the globe who share our passion for knife throwing. The members of the World Knife Throwing League have this goal in mind—to raise awareness and unify the sport of knife throwing. It’s not surprising that knife throwing is trending and growing in popularity internationally. This sport is an inclusive activity everyone can enjoy.

International Knife Throwing Day is September 8th

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or brand new to knife throwing, International Knife Throwing Day is the perfect excuse to grab a throw some knives.

For this one day a year, we encourage everyone to give this fun sport a try. It’s always much more fun when you’re not alone, so you are invited to bring along friends and family to join in or simply watch the sport. Who knows – perhaps just one session will awaken the inner athlete in you, or give you a brand new hobby!

Find what WKTL location is near you, and contact them to see if they’re participating in the holiday!

Another way to celebrate International Axe Throwing Day is to have a lesson with a professional in the sport. Believe it or not, there is quite a bit of skill involved when it comes to throwing a piece of steel against a target. You’re going to need more than a bit of beginner’s luck in order to hit the bulls-eye, and having someone who knows the sport teach you all about it can certainly be an extremely fun experience. 

The World Knife Throwing League encourages our members to follow suit and share this experience with their community for free! It’s a priceless opportunity to let everyone experience the adrenaline rush of throwing steel in a safe environment.

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