Wold Knife Throwing League Coach Certification

Our goal in the Wold Knife Throwing League Coach Certification is not only to only foster the growth of our sport but to help ensure the safety of the public and the knife throwing community. We hope that the resources we provide can help you or your staff become the best knife throwing coaches possible. We’ll give you a total breakdown of a knife throwing event, what you should be doing along the way and a ton of useful information to help everyone fall in love with our amazing sport by the time they leave your venue. In the Knife Coaching Certification Program you’ll learn:

Important Knife Knowledge

You’ll learn about the basic anatomy of a knife, how to handle a knife and tips on proper knife care.

Customer Service

Customer Service is the most important part of your job after making sure everyone has followed your safety instructions. In our customer service module we offer a ton of helpful information including the Golden Rule of Knife Throwing to help all of your customers get the most out of each time they step up to throw. Some of this will include tailoring your coaching styles to the groups or the individual thrower. Making your group comfortable, while prioritizing safety, will make sure they want to come back and recommend you as a coach to all their friends. It’s a win-win! We also touch on some common qualities successful coaches.


Some people may arrive at your facility with the incorrect notion that knife throwing is dangerous. We want to make sure the very first thing the Coach does when arrive is to put them at ease so they simply get to enjoy their time. We’ll address issues surrounding unsafe conduct, de-escalating potentially unsafe situations and lane safety instructions. In the Coaching module, you’ll even get a fun and informative safety speech that you can tailor to fit your personality.

Knife Care & Maintenance

You’ll learn about some best practices for maintaining knives, when to change boards and how to maximize the life of your resources to save on costs.

Knife Throwing Techniques

There are many different throwing styles, not all of them will work for each person. We’ll give you a breakdown on each technique. Recommendations for the type of customer and how to make all the adjustments so that they stick the knife by the end of the session.

Coaching for Youth, the Elderly and those with Accessibility Needs

Knife throwing is a very inclusive sport and lends itself better to a strength requirement more than an age requirement. Because of this you’ll occasionally be coaching some customers who might need some extra guidance.

We touch on coaching people with accessibility needs, including mobility and visual impairment and we give you a quick walkthrough on how to help them enjoy their time.

A Full Event Walkthrough

The Wold Knife Throwing League Coach Certification offers you a dry run on exactly what your event should look like from start to finish and what we’ve found works best over hundreds of thousands of customers.

Upon successful completion of the Wold Knife Throwing League Coach Certification you’ll be sent a certificate with your name and date of completion, signifying that you are a WKTL Certified Coach. With this certification, we’re certain that you will have a greater understanding of how to conduct events, ensure your customers are kept safe and leave your customers with an experience where they will want to keep coming back.